Film Festival 1-25-2015


Total amout we raised. $2003
Amount spent : printing flyer, poster, tickets, etc. $137
DVD rental fee $415
Postage $42
International Money Order fee $9

Amount donated to SORA:  $1400

Letter from SARA,


Dear Fukushima Baby,

Thank you for the donation.
We received two money orders, each valued $700 today.
We would like to thank you from our heart.
We plan to cash the money orders when the exchange rate is in our favor.
(Although I do not know much about foreign exchange…)
We will use your generous donation mindfully for our dogs and cats at SORA.
Please give our thank yous to all the people you work with and who are affiliated with Fukushima Baby!

It is a pleasure having encountered you.

SORA Animal Shelter
Specified Non-profit Corporation

card from SORA



film_poster film_fest

Fukushima Film Festival !

Sunday, January  25th, 2015  3pm-6pm
the door opens 2:30pm.
Please plan to arrive before 3pm. The event starts 3pm!

U.C. Berkeley Campus @ Doe Library  Presentation Room 180
Ticket: $10 – $20 or more

Please purchase the tickets :

Films will be shown :

Children of Doomsday – Stop Motion Animation–Fukushima
(5 min) by Maya Fuji

This is a video I made addressing the Fukushima nuclear melt down that is currently burdening the people of Japan. The power companies (TEPCO & Tohoku Electric) and the Japanese government have acted very irresponsibly regarding the matter, and still have not come up with a solution to the radiation leakage. In addition, TEPCO and other Japanese power companies are planning to reopen power plants that are located on active fault lines. The world cannot afford another Fukushima meltdown, and it is important for us to support the world wide movement towards a nuclear free future because we are in a similar predicament here in California. The Diablo Valley power plant is located on active fault lines, and we can easily find ourselves in the same situation as Fukushima if a major earthquake hits. This video is my voice supporting No Nukes Action.


The Stories I listened to in Fukushima last summer
(33 min) by Masanori Oba

“In August 2013, I went to see some of the people living near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants. I wanted to hear their first-hand experiences and the testimonies, which are difficult to obtain through the major media outlet. (Masanori Oba)”



Dogs, Cats and Humans 2 — Returning Gaze – Animals of the Great Earthquake
(104 min) by Daisuke Shishido / Motoharu Iida

Many were affected by the Great Eastern Earthquake in Japan in March 2011.  Those affected include people and animals such as dogs and cats. For nearly four years since the nuclear accident in Fukushima, efforts to protect these lives continue. A lack of permanent housing solutions have resulted in many dogs and cats that are separated from their owners. This movie tells the stories of animals at the mercy of the nuclear accident.
It is a story that connects us to our future, by giving us a glimpse of our own lives in partnership with what we see on the silver screen.


scenes from the film.

photo credit:(c)宍戸大裕

All films in Japanese, with English subtitles

(*)Bring canned pet food to donate to local SF Bay Area rescue groups, such as Berkeley Humane SocietyCopper’s Dream, etc.